Track 4 Zach 2011

Created by carley malin 3rd August 2011 This event has closed


This year as in the past few years, is in memory of my precious baby boy Zach. It will start at Loughside Recreation Centre at 12pm and end at Loughshore Park, Newtownabbey where the Shoreline Festival will be on so there shall be bouncy castles, face painting etc for the kiddies if they wish to hang around, unfortunately as the mayor has 2 charities benefiting from this event, we are only able to collect in the Belfast Borough so once we hit Newtownabbey we are not permitted to collect anymore but I'm sure we can still do well along the Shore Road etc until we reach this point : If you are currently reading this page then you have been directed form facebook no doubt so thank you in advance for support whether it be a donation or participation in the walk. As you all undoubtedly know, this month my precious son would've been 4 and as the years pass, the pain fades slightly, but the reminders are always in front of me no matter where I go. I have been blessed with a wonderful group of friends and family and without them I really could not have coped with all that has happened so a big THANK-YOU to you alll and you all know who you are.... If you would like to get involved with this event please contact me through facebook or at Thanks again in advance, Carley & co xxxxxxxxx



3rd August 2011
Page set up so no excuses now!